Nuove regole per l'innovazione e la crescita

Nel mondo dei big data e della complessità informativa, organizzare il flusso delle informazioni “dal campo” diventa basilare per poter comprendere, valutare e decidere. Il prodotto o servizio davvero innovativo è quello che anticipa la domanda. Le ricerche di mercato quindi devono sempre più aiutare le aziende a comprendere il contesto in cui il loro prodotto è inserito; quali sono gli aspetti che lo influenzano per cogliere tutte le opportunità.


How then, can market researchers and wannabe innovators expect to capture who we are and why we do what we do with a single survey, a simple snapshot or any other sort of static lens

Innovation’s Groundhog Day

A report from Nielsen recently showed that companies spend an average of $15 million on marketing for each new product launch (with some companies exceeding $60 million in spending), and that new products generally have only a 10% chance of succeeding.

(…) the new product failure rate is out of the acceptable range compared to other business success standards. (…) The truth for wannabe entrepreneurs: Creating innovative products and leading successful startups is going to get even harder. And to succeed, we’re going to have to change our approach.

Fracturing the Foundation of Innovation

It was not that long ago when the process of innovating was much more straightforward. Research was research. But as marketers have tried harder and harder to see the world in fresh ways and uncover deeper insights about their potential consumers, new ways of doing research came into vogue. Qualitative research got shinier. Trends got trendy. Less than a decade ago, social media appeared on the horizon as a new and “perfect” way to get inside people’s real lives, and figure out what they truly wanted. Soon after, the Big Data drumbeat scared everyone into thinking it was the only way to win the future.


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Complexity: It’s Not All Bad

(…) The focus of so much research and innovation is still on simplifying. I think we should be focused on complexity. I believe that our culture is interrelated, complex, dynamic and global. Whether you are a big enterprise or a small company, you operate within a global marketplace that’s influenced by many factors — and you are influenced in ways that we’ve never seen before. No longer are we able to study a market from a single view and truly tell ourselves that we understand it.

Networked Systems and Quick Changing Scenarios

(…) Market research, though, — the basis for innovation — still looks mostly backwards, (…) understand how the broader systems around their product is functioning and influencing the consumer’s world, and figure out how to harness the way the swirling systems within those markets work. So which needs fixing in order to improve innovation? The fast-moving, inherently interconnected reality? Or the research? The answer is obvious. We need to start innovating with systems in mind. (….). To every action there’s a reaction. Macro events, and our reactions to them, become part of the dynamic nature of the culture. By watching for these movements, marketers can watch the road ahead for change.


The consumer world can look completely chaotic until you recognize the patterns and start seeing the networks. (…). While no single entity can control a system, by understanding the rules of a system, brands can better influence their own future.