Real-time Competitive Intelligence

 real-time CI

Coloro che svolgono Competitive Intelligence, oltre ad occuparsi delle attività di ricerca e analisi delle informazioni, devono dar vita a un monitoraggio "in tempo reale" della concorrenza e dell'ambiente competitivo, con l'obiettivo di fornire raccomandazioni in grado d'indirizzare le strategie dell'azienda. Attenzione però a trovare il giusto bilancio tra quantità e tempestività delle informazioni: occorre individuare le aree più critiche da monitorare e le conseguenti informazioni da fornire in tempo reale, nell'ottica della "Cooperative Intelligence".

(...) While CI is an important input to strategic planning, and companies benefit from scenario planning, many companies miss the boat by not conducting and communicating CI in real-time. Real-time CI deserves to be a focus within the profession.

Many companies think they are conducting real-time competitive intelligence since they monitor the competitive environment continuously on the Internet and increasingly through social media such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as well as industry specific forums or social networks like Ning.

While monitoring is the foundation of real-time competitive intelligence, it is not actionable. The action you take in real-time will give you a competitive advantage.  As David Meerman Scott said at (...) AIIP conference, “Speed and agility bring competitive advantage…Act now before the window of opportunity vanishes.”(...)

The balancing act in our job is to offer cooperative intelligence: don’t inundate people with too much information, just what you know is important to them.

E. Naylor,

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