Costruire la cultura dell’Innovazione
Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. – Mark Twain
Parlare di cambiamento culturale riguardo all’innovazione è facile. Non altrettanto lo è implementare delle azioni precise che vanno in quella direzione.
….real action is so difficult to implement, culture is often viewed as the backwater of organizational strategy. Its importance, its foundational role in what actually gets done is always acknowledged. But introduce culture as a conversation about doing, and eyes glaze over, confusion reigns and organizational leaders retreat to platitudes, or the status quo.
Ma cosa si intende per Cultura dell’Innovazione?
…”We might argue, for example, that culture is a product of aligned leadership, and that’s true, but incomplete. We might decide that culture is a function of clear performance expectations and consistent leadership guidance, and that’s a little bit true, but woefully incomplete. We might believe that culture is a thing that we simply articulate as a goal or vision and then we lead an organization to be that vision or goal…”
Quello che gli autori sostengono, e che anche noi abbiamo sperimentato parlando con le aziende nel corso degli anni, è che ..
…“a culture of innovation is a marriage, a synthesis of two worlds: the world of production and the world of creation; the world of the planned and the world of the unplanned; the world of the empirical and the world of the subjective. It is the synthesis of these two opposite worlds into a functioning whole that is the key to meaningful, purposeful and productive organizations.”
Quindi, il nostro primo suggerimento pratico è quello di sviluppare entrambe gli aspetti: rigore e libertà.
Fornire regole chiare, obiettivi e processi condivisibili e condivisi. Lasciando allo stesso tempo gli individui liberi di muoversi all’interno, in modo da sviluppare indipendenza e un senso di appartenenza e comunità.
The Rainforest Scorecard: A Practical Framework for Growing Innovation Potential Paperback – Doss, Brett, Hwang 2015
Tags: Innovazione