Perchè diventare bravi venditori...anche se non si fa parte delle Vendite!
Anche se non fate parte della funzione delle Vendite vi sarà sicuramente capitato, almeno una volta nella vita, di vendere un'idea, di promuovere l'attività di un gruppo o addirittura voi stessi. Pensate ai colloqui di lavoro, alle presentazione di un vostro progetto al top management o alle conference call con i vostri clienti.
L'azione "vendere" è sempre stata presentata nella sua accezione più negativa, ovvero "spingere qualcuno a comprare qualcosa che non vuole, di cui non ha bisogno o che non si può permettere".
Secondo una connotazione più propositiva, vendere significa "muovere qualcuno all'azione" e dovrebbe essere parte integrante della nostra vita professionale.
Come migliorare le proprie capacità di vendita? Cosa bisogna dire "prima"?
Di questo si discute in un interessante articolo " How to improve your sales skills, even if you're not a sales person", tratto da Harvard Business Review.
(...) Reflect
Getting comfortable with sales requires an “understanding of what selling is,” (...). “Selling is not about putting undue pressure on and talking incessantly,” all while “wearing a light blue polyester suit,” (...) Rather, selling “is persuading, inspiring, and leading.”
Your goal is “to work in collaboration” with a client or colleague “to drive change.” To get into the right mindset, (...) reflect on your past positive experiences as a customer. “When you think about the best sales interactions you’ve had in your life, it’s almost like the salesperson wasn’t there,” (...). The seller was just “a person who’d taken a genuine interest in your problem and was helping you solve it.”
Put yourself in your counterpart’s shoes
“People buy for two reasons” (...). They either have a business problem that needs to be solved or they have a personal need, such as a desire to move up in the organization” that your idea helps accelerate.
It’s your job to figure out your customer’s motivations: “What would it take to get your boss to sign off on a project or to get your clients excited about what you have to offer?”(...). Do your research by talking with the people you’re trying to win over, and others in the know, well in advance of making your proposal. Think about what information you need to uncover. “Be empathetic. Focus on understanding the other party — what they need to accomplish and how they measure success.” (...)
Plan and practice
Crafting your sales pitch should not be a solo endeavor. (...) enlisting “a trusted peer or manager” to “role-play” so you can “see what works and what doesn’t.” Your goal is “to understand how the flow of these conversations feels and sounds.” Your colleague can coach you on how you come across and how to improve your delivery. (...) “Talk to someone who is not an expert in the field,such as your grandmother” he says. “Her questions will help you frame the problem.” (...)“People spend so much time in their ownheads, thinking about their idea, that they fail to draw the connection to how the product will improve someone else’s life” (...).
Stay calm and don’t brag
Even with meticulous preparation, pitches can go awry. (...) Advice: “Chill out.” Try to “relax your facial expressions” and keep your body language confident and loose. Check your tone and pacing. “Nobody wants to be lectured. Be respectful” but not overly deferential (...)Another common problem (...) is “letting your ego get in the way.” Sometimes, you get caught up in “talking about your strengths, and not what your counterpart wants,” he says. “At best, the person gets bored. And worst, it sends a message that you’re [not right] for the job.”
Close the deal
Being good at selling means you both “understand the ‘customer’ and understand the path they need to go through to buy” (...) Your counterpart “might need to assess the financial impact of such a purchase,” review competitors, or check with a higher-up before signing off. Regardless of what that next phase may be, you should “ask permission to move forward.” He recommends saying something like, “Are you ready to take the next step? What else can I do to help you make this decision?” Be “flexible” and willing to brainstorm (...). Think about ways you can “work together in collaboration to improve a product, service, or idea.” If the answer is no, or not yet, use the opportunity to gently probe. “Is the new idea too threatening? Too difficult? Or too expensive?”
Think long term
Veteran salespeople know it’s possible that “you’re going to fail more than you will succeed,” (...) remind yourself “that it’s not always about you.” Your counterpart has to take many interests into account. Remember, too, that sales is rarely “a one-and-done deal.” If your pitch is unsuccessful, “go back to your target in three months and ask, ‘How’s it going? Are your needs being met?’ If they are, great, but if not,” you may have another shot. “Think about the big picture.”(...)
Fonte: Harvard Business Review
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