Piccoli grandi spunti per prendere decisioni corrette


Nella vita quotidiana, così come nell'attività lavorativa, ci troviamo spesso davanti a un bivio e a decisioni da prendere. Alcune non sono rilevanti, altre invece sono critiche e cambiano radicalmente la nostra vita o il corso dell'azienda. La strategia infatti è composta da una serie di decisioni che plasmano il futuro dell’azienda

Quante decisioni importanti hai già dovuto prendere, con quali conseguenze?

Come sono state prese, quante sono state vincenti?

Nell'articolo che segue vi sono alcuni spunti per prendere - o quantomeno provare a prendere - decisioni corrette, in ogni aspetto della vita quotidiana.

(...) The rule for decision making in life and business goes like this: The person with the fewest blind spots wins.

This means that the first and biggest leverage point any of us have in improving our organizations and getting massively better results is improving our ability to make confident and correct decisions, all the time.

Through better initial decisions, we avoid problems.

“I don’t want to be a great problem solver. I want to avoid problems – prevent them from happening and doing it right from the beginning.” — Peter Bevelin

Doing things “right from the beginning” means understanding exactly what good decision making looks like and developing deeply ingrained habits that lead to success. (...) And the way to make better decisions is through intelligent preparation of what works.

(...) Within our jobs, especially in a knowledge economy, further decisions are required: we decide whether to take a promotion or not, which projects to invest in, whether to acquire a company, or lay people off. Decisions shape our lives. They affect others. They write our legacy and ripple through history.

(...) The problem is that even really smart people are awful at making decisions and aligning with the how the world actually works. (...) There were catastrophic decisions made by people who were, in some sense, professional decision-makers. They had impeccable credentials and judgment and yet… they made poor decisions due to poor judgment or too-limited mental representations of the world.

There are lots of reasons we make poor decisions. Let's take a look at three of the biggest ones.

1. We're not as rational as we think. I like to think that I'm rational and capable of interpreting information in a non-biased way. Only I'm not. At least not always. We're all irrational to some extent. Sometimes we fool ourselves.

2. We're not prepared. We don't understand the invariant ideas – the mental models — of how the world really works. Mental models help us make sense of what we see happening and give us a lens into solving problems.

3. We don't gather the information we need. We make decisions based on our “gut” in complex domains that require serious work to gather all the needed data. We land on easy solutions that sound about right but aren't.

(...) It takes work and commitment and I think we owe it to ourselves to take it out of the box it comes in and experiment with it. We should blow past conformity and apply all the knowledge at our disposal to the problems and challenges we face every day. (...)

How We Decide (...)

If you’re like most people, you’ve never been explicitly taught how to make effective decisions. You make decisions like a golfer who never took any lessons, miserable with the state of their game and yet not seeking to learn a better swing, instead hoping for the best every time you lift the club, that this time it will finally work out.(...) The lesson for us is that the people making consistently good decisions take advantage of how the world works. (...)

The Top General Thinking Concepts

Combining intelligent preparation — learning about the big time-tested ideas from multiple disciplines — with general thinking frameworks will dramatically improve your decision-making skills. These thinking frameworks help you look at problems through a different lens. (...) here are the top three:

Inversion — Otherwise known as thinking through in reverse or thinking “backwards,” inversion is a problem-solving technique.

Second Order Thinking — Ask yourself, and then what?

The Map is not the Territory —The map of reality is not reality itself. If any map were to represent its actual territory with perfect fidelity, it would be the size of the territory itself.

Prepararsi per tempo e disporre di informazioni corrette può quindi essere la chiave per prendere buone decisioni anche sul lavoro, basti pensare alla definizione e alla scelta delle strategie aziendali da perseguire.

La Market, Competitive & Technology Intelligence, vista come processo di raccolta, analisi, interpretazione e diffusione di informazioni riguardanti l'ambiente competitivo, tecnologico e di mercato può essere d'aiuto per rendere le informazioni fruibili e pronte all'utilizzo, fornendo un supporto alle decisioni aziendali per migliorare la competitività nel tempo.

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Fonte: www.farnamstreetblog.com

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